Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Moral Decay Of Rick Santorum

Today is February 28, 2012, the day that Michigan and Arizona Republicans go to their polling places to cast their ballots for their choice of the Republican presidential nominee. The Michigan primary is an open primary where anyone Republican, Democrat, or Independent can vote. If this contest was like the one in 2008 Democrats would be voting for the Democrat nominee, and Republicans would be voting for the Republican nominee, and citizens unaffiliated with either party could cast their vote for whichever candidate they wished. In this 2012 election the Democrats have an incumbent president who is running for reelection. He has no opposition, and so the Democrats have the opportunity to play games at the Republican primaries and help their candidate win in the general election by voting for the Republican candidate they think would be the least likely to defeat their man. It's unethical, dishonest, and slimy, but some think winning the election is worth any cost.

An interesting situation arose yesterday when it was discovered that a Republican candidate, Rick Santorum, who has portrayed himself as the social conservative in this election, and has campaigned against moral decay, and promoted christian values was making robo-calls to Michigan Democrats telling them to vote for him. This action may profit him to some degree with a few votes, but I wonder if in the long run such underhanded chicanery won't cause him more harm. Mark 8:36- For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

I think what bothers me most about this whole thing is that this man who supposedly represents the moral, and ethical values of very conservative christian Republicans is sending the message that conservative Christians are willing to do, or say anything to win, even if it involves throwing integrity out the window. It reminds me of the scandal that broke years ago when a bunch of evangelical preachers came under national scrutiny because of extramarital affairs, and immoral behavior. The Santorum request of the Michigan Democrats, in my opinion, is a request that asks these people to participate in something that is dishonest and unethical. They may choose to do so, and are responsible for their decisions, but by asking them to do an under-handed thing Santorum is in effect trying to lead them astray. Isaiah 9:16- For the leaders of this people cause them to err, And those who are led by them are destroyed.

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am a Romney supporter, but at one point I actually considered Santorum as my second choice. At first I thought he was who he portrayed himself to be. Over time and a good deal of research I have changed my mind about his qualifications as the man to lead this country. This latest action on his part only cemented my resolution that he is not qualified, and now I am convinced he has the morals of an alley cat. He may not be one who sleeps around, but since all sin is equal in the eyes of God someone who plays fast and loose with honesty and integrity is just as wicked as an adulterer. I don't expect perfection in a candidate. We all fall short of the glory. Candidates make mistakes all the time when it comes to stating what they believe to be facts. Those are honest mistakes, but Santorum is purposely trying to mislead people, and that is not an accident, a slip of the tongue, or even an embellishment of truth. It's an outright dishonest act, and worst of all it's a lie that tries to get others involved in the telling.

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