Thursday, February 23, 2012

Obama’s Real Intentions

According to Reuters, “In his annual budget message to Congress, President Barack Obama asked that military aid to Egypt be kept at the level of recent years — $1.3 billion — despite a crisis triggered by an Egyptian probe targeting American democracy activists.”

After reading the article, I asked myself why? I was under the impression that this country was in debt, and nobody in Washington, including the president, has made any serious headway towards designing, and passing a budget that would get us out of debt. There’s been a lot of bills coming out of the House that never seem to make it to the floor of the senate. There’s been a lot of press releases covering the White House, and congress concerning their intentions to get this country back on a sound fiscal base. However, I don’t recall actually seeing our government do anything but talk about it.

Perhaps the problem is we have too many talkers, and not enough doers. There seems to be some kind of criteria for elected officials to be good debaters. There doesn’t, however, seem to be a big vetting system on elected officials when it comes to being people who have a knack for actually accomplishing things.

Congressman Paul Ryan came up with a budget proposal many months ago that had all the facts and figures put together in a plan that could have worked. The democratic party ran negative ad campaigns against Ryan’s plan showing a Ryan look-alike pushing a granny off a cliff. Instead of looking at the plan and trying to work with it, the do-nothings wasted their time and energy denigrating the proposal. The president gave it a thumbs down, and everybody went on like we weren’t borrowing money from China, in debt over our heads, and slowly but surely heading down the same road as Greece.

Rep. Ron Wyden (D) and Rep Paul Ryan (R)
I was glad to note that Governor Romney had taken the time to look the plan over and applaud its ideas. I was also glad to see that Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, who happens to be a democrat, had worked with Republican Rep. Ryan on the plan. Isn’t this what we elect these people to do? I don’t recall hearing any big announcements that more Republicans and Democrats are rolling up their sleeves, and working to turn the Ryan plan into a bi-partisan American plan. Too many officials on the Capitol Hill are too busy trying to one-up the other guy, to do what is necessary to save this nation. The worst offender, of course, is the president, who only seems to be able to come up with budget proposals that run us even deeper into debt.

This same president is running for reelection. Apparently, he is fighting for reelection on several fronts, all of which he has created, but they all lead to one goal. His over-all plan is to divide the country in as many ways as possible. He has labeled congress as the do-nothing bunch, and he’s run a year-long campaign of class warfare against American citizens. He is attacking those who’ve succeeded financially, and those who’ve been elected to make, and uphold our federal laws. He also promotes racial division at every opportunity. His latest campaign strategy involves pitting the federal government against religion, a clear violation of the United States constitution – the same constitution he swore to uphold.

President Obama has been in office three years, and ever since he and his Democrat allies lost total control of the House in 2010, he’s been campaigning, not leading. It is beyond unethical. It’s reprehensible. I believe Barack Obama’s ultimate goal is to divide the people of this nation so deeply that it creates another civil war. Should he succeed, the civil war won’t be north against south. It will be the republic against socialism, and it could lead to the ultimate collapse of the United States of America. A bankrupt and divided America cannot stand.

There is hope, however. I believe, with all my being, that electing Mitt Romney as our next president will resolve the dilemma we are facing. Romney has proven that he can work with elected officials who have a different point of view, and he has demonstrated the ability to get things done. The legislature in Massachusetts was 85% Democrat while Romney was governor. Romney was able to turn their financial debt around and the state coffers ended up with a surplus. Governor Romney didn’t spend his time trying to create rifts between the citizens of the state.

Another item in Romney’s successful history is how he saved the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. They were plagued with a horrible scandal, nearly bankrupt, and on the verge of being cancelled. Mitt came in, looked at all the problems, came up with solutions, and turned what would have been a devastating black-eye on our nation’s reputation into a successful, and very profitable adventure. As CEO of Bain Capital, he also demonstrated the ability to turn hundreds of troubled businesses around and make them profitable again. I believe with his talent for financial turnarounds, he will be able to push the reset button and get America back on track. I also believe that his strong love of country, and deep patriotism will help to heal the contention that the Obama regime has created.

I’ve looked over the other candidates, and although they all have good points, they all have one thing in common. They’ve all spent a lifetime of being part of the problem that exists in this nation’s capital, instead of the solution. Each has contributed some very positive things, but none of them have managed to step forward at any point in time and say enough is enough. The House freshmen last year made more headway than any of the other candidates did in their entire careers as elected officials. Perhaps that’s the problem. They all became career politicians instead of spending some time in Washington fixing a problem, and then going home as a citizen to live within the laws, and nightmares they helped to create.

Mitt has no desire to stay in Washington after his presidency. If elected for one, or the maximum two terms he’ll do his job and then go home. He won’t be hanging around trying to make money as a lobbyist, influence peddler, or anything else. That’s is the kind of attitude all politicians should develop.

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