I've been watching the 2012 election with a great deal of interest this past many months and have come to some very startling, and saddening conclusions. I believe we are being played for fools, and perhaps we're too gullible to realize it.
Let's take a look at the last four candidates left in the Republican campaign to regain the White House. Alphabetically they are: Gingrich, Paul, Romney, and Santorum. Let's look at these candidates and see what they are offering.
Newt Gingrich The Man Who Would Be Emperor
Newt Gingrich, I beleive, started his campaign for president as a book and video promotion. I don't think he had any intention of really running for the office this election. He saw a golden opportunity to promote his books and videos on the campaign trail, and took it.
Newt has never run a national campaign before, but he's been around politics long enough to know that you have to get a campaign organized. You have to have people on the ground. You have to have a network, promotional items, advertisements, contact lists,command centers, transportation, plus a well thought out strategy. You need endorsements from people that the citizenry holds some regard for. Most of all you need financial backing, and a lot of it. Everything involved in running a successful campaign hinges on the behind the scenes organization. Instead of building such an organization Newt took a Caribbean cruise. Most of the staff he initially had quit in disgust.
What Newt had in his favor was the Fox News network singing his praises at every given opportunity. Let's not forget that Fox News has become the favorite network of most conservatives. Their motto of fair, balanced and unafraid has been sold, and the majority of Republican viewers have bought it. When Newt flopped Fox played it down. Day after day Fox pundits referred to him as the smartest man in the room, the greatest debater that ever was. We were inundated with them, and him comparing his life, his views, and his political career to that great conservative president Ronald Reagan. According to Fox Newt could do no wrong. He practically walked on water.
For years I've heard Hannity explain over, and over on his nightly show on Fox that Obama was never vetted. He has talked incessantly about Bill Ayers, Reverand Wright, and Obama's other questionable affiliations. Sean continually tells us how mainstream media never brought those things up during the 2008 campaign.
By the same token Hannity and the rest of the Fox news network doesn't talk about the things that Newt has said and done over the years. The accusations that Newt divorced his first wife after she'd been diagnosed with cancer to go marry his long-time mistress were skipped over. The fact that his ex-wife and children were penniless at one point and had to receive charitable aid from their church because Newt was a dead-beat dad wasn't brought up in Fox News conversations. No one reminded the public that Newt divorced his second wife after she was diagnosed with M.S. so that he could marry another woman he'd been having a long-time affair with. I don't recall Fox introducing Newt's excuse that having these affairs had made him more electable. Their only reference to the whole affair was that Newt had asked God for forgiveness. They down played the ABC with Newt's second wife where she told her side of the story. Most especially Fox never pointed out that while Newt was in charge of investigations concerning President Clinton's immoral behavior Newt himself a serial adulterer was carrying on his own affair while investigating the president's wrong-doings.
Newt's record as a congressman, and speaker of the house never came under scrutiny by any of the Fox teams. It has been questioned and published by various authors that Newt was brought up on ethics violations by the House. There are numerous accounts via old news footage, and public documents that Newt was found guilty of ethics violations by the house and in a majority vote was sanctioned and fined $300,000.00 by his fellow congressmen both Republican and Demmocrat. He says that it was all overturned, and that the $300,000.00 fine wasn't a fine at all but rather expenses being paid back. Nobody talks about Gingrich and the check kiting scandall. And noone calls a spade a spade when it comes to the influence peddling Newt was involved in during the fifteen years after he left the house.
When information about the real life and times of Newt Gingrich started coming forth via the internet, and other news sources, people began questioning his behavior. It was all brushed off with simple denials by Newt. "That never happened", he'd say. "That is a lie", he'd retort. Peers from his Congressional years began speaking out confirming the stories being reported were accurate. Videos from old newscasts, ads and documents showed up proving the allegations to be true. Newt just made more denials, and nobody, especially Fox, ever pushed him for the truth. Instead they aired campaign film clips of him everyday, and via their many programs kept his name floating in front of their viewers. The man called Newt got more free publicity than anyone I've ever seen.
It took several million dollars of ad campaigns by his opponents, some listless Gingrich debates, some very off the wall comments, and a loss in the Florida primary to force the man who talked himself into believing he would one day be emperor of the United States to expose his true self. By the end of the Nevada caucus he was running on very shaky ground.
He had no real support. His wild and wacky ideas such as starting a moon colony became a joke. He turned out to be a man who can only do well when things are going good. He accused debate moderators of being unfair, he said the crowds were too noisy, or too quiet. He called his opponents liars, accused them of being unconservative liberals, and was never called on the carpet for the lies he was spewing. When things got tough, he blamed it on everyone but himself, made a lot of excuses, and kept on talking without saying anything relevant. Reminds me a lot of President Obama. Newt's main foe in all this became Mitt Romney.
Mitt spent millions on ad campaigns that told the Newt story. His campaign had to spend the money, and redirect their campaign efforts to do the job that the media wasn't doing. Let's never forget that mainstream media in America is in the tank for the left, most especially President Obama. So, Newt had Fox News in his corner, Obama had the mainstream media protecting him, and Paul, Romney, and Santorum basically were on their own.
Speaking of Obama. I see his campaign team behind the rise and fall of Gingrich. I think initially their intention was to build Newt up and then bring him down during the general campaign. He was the ideal opponent for them to campaign against.
Everything there ever was, and ever will be about the man called Newt the Obama team already knew. He would have been the perfect candidate for Obama to campaign against. After a Newt nomination, it wouldn't take too many negative Obama ad campaigns to turn the most ardent conservative supporters away from that egotistical being who carries more baggage than all the airlines combined. Newt's defense would have been fits of anger, allegations of being treated unfairly by his opponent, by the media, by the elite D.C. insiders. He would have ended up standing alone on stage a lost and broken man wondering whatever happened to the idea of selling a few books and videos. In all this the Republican party would have lost another election.
The rise and fall of Newt gave Obama supporters some real entertainment, and welcome confidence. See, they can say, Republicans especially the conservative ones are stupid. It's so easy to defeat them. All you have to do is play the game. And play the game they did. Meanwhile Fox News is still waiting, and hoping their man Newt is going to make another comeback, and restore their faith in themselves. The conspiracy marches on.
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